Sunday, March 29, 2009

Manila is not a folder in this case

Hello from the Philippines!
Let me tell you that the trip here is a long a day and half of flying. From Madison we went to Detroit, which went to Japan, and then finally got to Manila. The traveling is exciting but at the same time it's boring like an Amish fashion show. The planes didn't have Tvs so I couldn't catch up on my movie watching....damn because I had some picked out. I did manage to entertain myself by writing poems, making lists, and doodling. I made a lovely list of words to describe a slice of pizza....when I come up with words like T-Rex like and zig zaggy, I know it's time to catch a nap.....
So by the time we got to the Manila airport we were tuckered out. This is indeed the scariest airport I will ever be in. After you leave the main building there's mobs of people and you can't see where you're going....yes even with the short Filapino people I still cannot see. After we managed to cut through the sweaty, sticky crowd we had to cross the street of hectic and noisy traffic. Yes, we did almost get hit. After crossing the street we had to some how locate the people who were going to take us to our villa...yea, that took two hours.
We finally met up with our chaperones...nicest, most smily people ever! Another two hours we got to our villa which was an old American airforce base. Our villa is just how you'd imagine it...lots of palm trees, crazy flying bugs, lost of plants, and English people next door. (Yea, there's also another Rotarian group here from England; I love the English..good to hear that accent again!)
So today was a relaxation day for us. Molly and I both went for a run this morning around the golf course near hot I thought I was going to throw up. I normally like running in hot sunny weather but I think it was just the shock of leaving winter and entering summer so fast! Molly and I then had lunch. My lunch was the best ever. I was told that the food was amazing and the desserts are even better....believe me I agree! Oh, I love mango juice's so thick and yummy 100% pure. We had a music rehearsal today too. After everyone left I stayed to practice some piano and sit in the sunlight. A nice Filapino guy came over to chat with me and that was my first encounter having an in depth conversation about random things.!! (Molly and I are scouting out attractive Filapinos....oh and there's a group of Marines here hehe. We both broke up with our boyfriends this week so it was great to be able to connect with her!)
Anyway, this evening which is 13 hours ahead of Wisconsin by the way, we went to a restaurant owned by one of the Rotarians...again the food was fabulous! I got blackened catfish which was zig zaggy tasting....yummy..and then a smooth glass of white wine...too easy to drink almost!
Right now I'm at another Rotarian's house....he used to be a jazz professor in Louisiana but now lives here. He also was the founder of the Bill Evans foundation and scholarship stuff, so tonight I get to hear about his adventures with Bill Evans!! This guy is a trombone player and he'll probably help us at some point with his talents!
So, please sign up to be a follower on the blog page because then I can spy on you too! See ya later! Off to more adventures in my hot climate...getting a tan already, YEA! ~JB

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